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About Van
About Van and Vans Opinions

After having seen stories and accurate news accounts stifled by ego or money motivated print and electronic journalists, Robert J. Van Valkenburg (known to many around the world as "Van") decided to do his part in presenting information forthcoming from his sources (confidential and well placed) so that you, the real people, the taxpayers -his friends and neighbors -can make more informed business, family, political and even entertainment decisions after being exposed to information which the media, for one reason or another sometimes chooses to ignore, hide or cover-up. Van is a Lincoln, Nebraska businessman, a senior citizen, a veteran (31.5 years total active duty and reserve time), a proud American and a reasonably well known public speaker who is, for better or worse, a bit opinionated. He received his under graduate degree (B.A. in Chemistry and Communications) from Oklahoma State University in 1959. In 1980, he received an M.B.A. through the executive program at the University of Nebraska and graduated from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College in 1976. He has been both an employee and an employer and has served on boards of directors of a number of corporations locally and nationally. Don't expect Van to be politically correct -he's not. Don't expect Van to be easy on politicians and governmental bureaucrats due to their partisan affiliation -NO WAY. The news is the news! Facts are facts! rumors and "Word on the Street" are just that. Finally, gossip is gossip! The fun part is that Van will know the difference and you must take his writings in for nothing more than what they are -HIS PERSONAL OPINIONS, BELIEFS, THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS. Will he offend? Probably yes, from time to time. But one must look at those who will complain the most about his writings. You will find the squawking will usually be coming from one or more who can't stand the heat in the kitchen and are trying to turn off the oven. So join the throngs that will be frequently checking up on who or who all Van is giving a pat on the back or a well deserved kick in the fanny. If your club, association or organization ever has a need for a speaker who can be thought provoking, humorous, and enlightening and be so in a down-to-earth way, give Van a call and check on his availability. Finally, this new medium is, in a way, dedicated to a life long desire of Cleo Marie Van Valkenburg (nee Coulson) to share her opinions with the world, particularly when folks made her happy or sad, but she never though she knew enough "big words" to use. She was Mom to Van and his sister Kay, Aunt "Sadie" to the cousins and simply as "Sadie" to her friends in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Lafayette, Louisiana and all points in between.

Copyright © by VansOpinion All Right Reserved.

Published on: 2003-05-22 (23001 reads)

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